Mother Knowledge on The Utilization of KMS and Nutrition Status of Under Five Children
Mothers knowlade in KMS consist of 3 domains, there are behavior, attitude and action in daily life influence toddlers nutrient status because in KMS there are monitoring growth and development of toddlers. It is could looking from mothers whose carry up their toddlers by KMS. This research to know description of mothers knowlade about the function of KMS and toddlers nutrient in Batubulan Kangin village, Sukawati districts, Gianyar regency. This research is descriptive correlative by using sample taking technique that is purposing sampling. The instrument research have the shape of questionaire demography data, questionaire knowlade, questionaire attitude, questionaire action and questionaire toddlers nutrient status. The result of research showing mothers knowlade in KMS utilization, most of them has good knowlade are 59 peoples ( 70,24 % ) most behavior of mothers is 83 peoples ( 89,81% ) who has good nutrient status by result of this research can be concluded that the better the knowlade and behavior of mothers that use KMS will be better status of toddlers nutrient too. So that recommended to mother for watching growth and development of toddlers every month by using KMS.
Keywords: Knowlade utilization KMS, toddlers nutrient status
Keywords: Knowlade utilization KMS, toddlers nutrient status
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