The Patient Perception about Marketing Mix on Utilization of Inpatient Service at Dolopo Hospital 2017

Fariz ` Kahendra, Wibowo Wibowo


The hospital marketing mix is a group of variables that can be controlled and used by hospitals to influence the reaction of customer. The aims of this study to determine the effect of the patient's perception of the marketing mix on the utilization of inpatient services at Dolopo Hospital 2017. The background of this study was the low rate of BOR at Dolopo District General Hospital in 2014 amounted to 43.96%, when viewed from the standard health department. The BOR at the Dolopo Hospital not meet with the standard of Health Department, the ideal BOR if the rate of BOR reaches 60.85%. This research used quantitative method with Cross-sectional approach. The research sample in this study was 122 inpatient in Dolopo Hospital. This research used probability sampling with simple random sampling method. The results of this research was patient perception about good marketing mix and utilization of inpatient service as much as 53 respondent (40.2%), and 4 respondent (3.3%) said good marketing mix and bad utilization of inpatient service, while about bad marketing mix and good inpatient service was 8 respondent (6.6%), and 61 respondent (61.6%) showed bad marketing mix and bad inpatient service, the p-value of this research was 0.000 (there was significant effect between patient perception about marketing mix on utilization of inpatient service at Dolopo District General Hospital with r-value of 0.752 which meant the result was strong. The recommended suggestion was that Dolopo district public hospitals should be more responsive in responding to patient complaints and improving the hospital's internal environment for the sake of patient convenience. Besides that, the hospital may provide a suggestion box and conducting customer satisfaction surveys on a regular basis
Keywords: Patient perception, Marketing mix, Patient decision

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ISSN: 2622-3260 Publisher: Alliance of Health Activists (AloHA) Address: Jl. Ngurah Rai 18, Bangli, Bali, Indonesia